
Betty ships with the following translations:

Dutch (nl-NL)

Translations are 100% complete.

English (en-US)

Translations are 100% complete.

French (fr-FR)

Translations are 37% complete.

German (de-DE)

Translations are 96% complete.

Ukrainian (uk)

Translations are 34% complete.

Extensions and projects can override these translations through asset management.

Betty uses gettext to manage its translations. For each language, there must be a ./locale/$locale/LC_MESSAGES/betty.po file that contains the translations for that language. These translations are compiled lazily whenever Betty needs them, so you won’t have to go through the trouble of creating *.mo files yourself.

Translations are loaded in the following order, where translations loaded later will override earlier translations:

  1. Betty’s built-in translations

  2. Translations provided by extensions in the order of their dependency tree

  3. Project-specific translations found in your project’s assets directory

Read more about how to contribute to Betty’s built-in translations.